Saturday, 24 January 2009

Cameras, Lunch and Puddles of Data.

Out of the blue I ended up recording a session with the inimitable Lydia Lunch yesterday. Should have got some photos but as usual I completely forgot. Very cool session - Lydia and a three piece band all recorded live, 6 tracks in 6 hours including set up. This is why I like to record live, once you get everything rigged the band can do their thing. Quick and definitely more vibey. Should be mixing it next week.
Datapuddle were in last week for a couple of songwriting sessions which are always fun. Lots of improvisation and strange noises. Very nice. And I did remember to take some photos!
If you want to have a look then you can visit my new flickr page here. I'm trying to take as many pictures as I can these days so if you want to check in now and again please do.

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